Out Of Office Hours / AMP
Automated Message Processing – Out of Office Hours is enabled for HSCA’s out-of-office hours and will process requests via email at slot@hsca.gr, that concern operations up to (and including) the next business day. Ad hoc requests must be sent in separate dates for the messages to be processed. In a different case, the system will not fragment SSIM line but will return the complete line unprocessed back to the sender. AMP – OOH will only handle messages from authorized contacts with the relevant access rights. Additionally, the senders’ addresses must have been whitelisted by HSCA for the messages to be processed. Otherwise, such messages will remain in the inbox to be examined manually by a coordinator. All processed requests are monitored by HSCA.
Kinly note that all new turnaround flights must be requested in linked format. In case of a single leg flight, the SI part of the message must be used to provide relevant information to the coordinator.
For short-term messages processed by AMP and only in cases where flights at IATA level 3 airports exceed 120min on ground, long stay approval from the airport operator must also be obtained.